「依法行政」是法治國家的核心價值,也是一切行政行為,必須遵守的首要原則。公務員依法律所賦予的權力,執行職務、為民服務,同時也擔負「廉潔」、「便民」與「效能」的期待與要求,如何安心、放心且又大方的給予民眾便利,不用害怕違反法令而有圖利的疑慮與擔心,是你我都非常關心的問題。… 更多
分辨「圖利」與「便民」並不困難,公務員執行公務,在法律範圍內,給予民眾方便,人民得到再大的好處,都是合法便民;如果明知法律規範卻故意違反,給予民眾方便,就算只獲得幾塊錢,還是會成立不法圖利。 Law-based administration is the core value of a country ruled by law and the primary rule for all administrative behavior. Public servants are empowered by law to perform their duties and serve the people while they need to meet the expecations and requirements for integrity, convenience for the public and efficiency. Ensuring public convenience at ease and generously without concerns or worries of gaining illegal benefits from a violation of the laws is what… 更多