本署便民服務業務網提供招標線上直播服務,結合YOUTUBE 即時直播,在防疫期間,不需到現場就可同步接收最新開標訊息,保護自己也保護其他人,請多多利用。招標網址:http://esvc.fnp.gov.tw The 32nd… 更多 batch of the 2021 tender for national non-public use property by the Southern Region Office of the National Property Administration of the Ministry of Finance has been announced, and the tender will be opened on July 6, 2021. People who are willing to bid are welcome to check information on the bidding website or call the servic line at 07-2293670 ext.512.
Our website for citizen service provides the streaming for open bid tendering service. YouTube streaming is available. You can check out the latest bid opening information in real-time without visiting our office during the epidemic. Use this service and protect yourself and others.
Tendering website: https://esvc.fnp.gov.tw