國有財產e點靈, 台北市。 40,186 個讚 · 205 人正在談論這個 · 53 個打卡次。【國有財產e點靈】是財政部國有財產署的官方粉絲專頁! 將會不定期提供好康活動及國產資訊喔>///< 如有陳情、申訴、檢舉及申請等案件,請至國產署官網(www.fnp.gov.tw)便民服務或溝通橋樑唷!
國產署與後龍鎮公所共同創造最迷人的畫作~半天寮好望角 苗栗縣後龍鎮公所為興建市場及停車場使用需要,於108年間向本署申請有償撥用後龍鎮好望角內24筆國有土地,該區域現已變身為半天寮好望角風景區,以苗栗濱海最高點之絕佳視野,層次分明的天際線、海岸線、鐵道線,吸引大批網美及鐵道迷留下足跡,帶動在地觀光。 Bantianliao Haowangjiao – the most charming artwork created… 更多 by National Property Administration and Houlong Township Office To build a market and a parking lot, the Houlong Township Office submmitted the application for compensated appropriation of 24 national lands in Houlong Township to the Central Region Branch in 2019. The area where the market and parking lot are located has been transformed into the Bantianliao Haowangjiao Scenic Area. This Area has the best view because it is located at the highest peak along the coast of Miaoli. Numerous railway fans and lots of people who love posting pictures online are attracted by the distinctively layered skyline, coast line and railway. The Area drove the local tourism uptick.