想長期使用大面積國有土地的朋友 注意囉~
財政部國有財產署中區分署110年第一批 國有土地招標 設定地上權,已經公告了,將於110年6月21日開標。
本次標的範圍包含台中市南區樹子腳段、西屯區 鑫大鵬段、東勢區文昌段及新竹縣、南投縣、雲林縣共8宗土地,
歡迎有意願投標的民眾到國有財產署中區分署一樓索取投標須知文件或撥打國有財產署中區分署諮詢專線04-23025353轉1111。 Those who want to… 更多 use a large area of national land for a long period, please pay attention.
The first batch of the 2021 national land tender for the establishment of superficies by the Central Region Office of the National Property Administration of the Ministry of Finance has been announced and the tender will be opened on June 21, 2021.
The scope of this tender includes 8 plots of land: the Shutzuchiao Section in the Southern District, the Hsintapeng Section in the Xitun District, the Wenchang Section in the Dongshi District of Taichung City and lands in Hsinchu County, Nantou County and Yunlin County.
People who are willing to bid are welcome to obtain the bidding instructions at the 1st floor of the Central Region Office of the National Property Administration or call the consultation hotline of the Central Region Office of the National Property Administration at 04-23025353 ext.1111.