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【申請家庭移工,免附戶口名簿好便民】 🏠為使家庭類雇主申請聘僱移工更加便捷,<br> 勞動部表示已與內政部完成戶政資料介接🤝<br> 📝雇主僅需於申請書正確填寫身分證字號及親屬關係,<br> 勞動部即可透過系統查驗相關人員親等關係及基本資料,<br> 不用再提供戶口名簿等證明文件😉 With the aim to speed up the process and make it more convenient for the employers,… 更多 the Ministry of Labor has completed the household data interface with the Ministry of the Interior. The Ministry of Labor can look up and check the information of the persons in the application (basic information and the relations) given that the employer has filled in the application form with correct ID numbers and relations, documentary proof such as household certificate is exempt.