公告本院國際醫療調整收費標準,自109年11月2日(一)起,只要病人無健保身分,且非本國籍(無我國身分證或護照)者,皆以國際醫療收費標準計價。若有費用問題,請洽門診後棟2樓大廳10號櫃檯諮詢。 Announcement: International medical fee schedule
International patients who come for medical… 更多 services without a Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Card or ID Card will be charged according to the international medical fee schedule (effective 11/2/2020).
If you have any questions about fees, please contact Counter No. 10 in the lobby on the second floor of the Rear Outpatient Building. #中榮 #榮總 #全人智慧 #醫療典範 #TCVGH
#hospital #Taichung