✨封面故事-鍾高玲 人生下半場,更閃亮精彩 ✨ 😎你知道銀色時尚也可以很潮嗎?雜誌封面中的Model已經66歲了,退休後反而開始追求自己的夢想,體驗時尚工作,散發銀色魅力,讓白髮👩🦳成為最閃亮的時尚配件。 🌈適合中高齡及高齡者就業的職缺已經越來越多元了,包含🔹接案型、🔹彈性工時等工作型態,還有許多新興工作機會。<br> 政府也將運用多元就業促進措施,鼓勵企業進用中高齡及高齡者,開發更多中高齡及高齡者的就業機會。 🤝… 更多一起推動友善長者的就業環境! #銀色魅力不容小覷<br> #老了要更美<br> #有一天我們都會老<br> #支持中高齡及高齡者就業<br> #Supporting the employment of middle-aged and elderly persons The Cover story-Ms. Zhong Gaoling, her second half of life is more brilliant Do you know that silver fashion is very trendy? The Model on the cover of magazine is already 66 years old. After retirement, she began to pursue her dream, and experience the fashion work, exude the silver charm. She made white hair to become the most shining fashion accessory. The job vacancies… 更多