2020《我們一家人plus》異國趣活動 6/14於屏東縣新住民市集展開 為促進新住民及其子女多元文化交流,營造友善移民環境,內政部移民署與三立電視股份有限公司共同製播《我們一家人plus… 更多 》節目,將於6月14日下午2點首次於屏東縣新住民市集舉辦「異國趣:我們一家人plus」設攤活動!除了現場按讚送好禮之外,還邀請來自法國的臺灣媳婦Alizee分享台法文化差異及看法,歡迎新住民及國人親臨現場參與活動,就有機會獲得3C超夯小物!民眾於活動現場亦可體驗來自20多國的特色美食攤位以及音樂表演,市集宛如小小地球村。 2020“Exotic Fun: We Are Family Plus” will come to Pintung County’s aboriginal marketplace on Sunday, June 14! “We Are Family Plus” visited the aboriginal marketplace earlier this year and it looks super fun. Now in its fifth year, the marketplace is a one-stop shop where you can find special cuisines from nearly 20 countries. It will be the first time for “We Are Family Plus” to take part in the event. To all our fans in front of the TV, no matter where you live in Taiwan, don’t miss this opportunity to join us at the event and win a fabulous “We Are Family Plus” phone stand. 【Name of the event】“Exotic Fun: We Are Family Plus” booth at the Pingtung County aboriginal marketplace 【Address】No. 61, Zhongshan Rd., Pingtung City 【Date】June 14 (Sun.), 14:00-18:00