【創業大冒險】 2020創育榮耀表揚典禮-我的榮耀印記是你的跳躍成長 2020創育榮耀表揚典禮在微涼入秋的10/7圓滿落幕🎉🎉<br> 精選出7家績優創育機構及12家破殼而出企業👏👏<br> 由經濟部中小企業處何晉滄處長親自授獎🏆🏆<br> 感謝創育機構的用心輔導及培育企業的優秀表現🌟🌟<br> 勉勵大家持續一同為完善創育生態系努力💪💪<br> 得獎名單:https://pse.is/wzakb 「2020創育榮耀表揚典禮」精彩花絮搶先看 … 更多<br> https://live.accupai.com/live/52208976<br> 👑一起來找找你和妳的身影 捕捉收藏這值得榮耀的畫面👑<br> 📢計畫資訊🏫:<br> #中小企業創育機構發展計畫<br> #創育加速卓越服務網 【Start up Adventure】 2020 Innovation & Incubation <br> awards ceremony has a perfect ending on Oct 7! In a such great Autumn, Ho, Chin-Tsang, SMEA Director General, personally presented the honor to praises 7 Best incubators & Accelerator and 12 incubated enterprises of the year 2020!!🏆🏆 Let’s give some applause to those who win the prizes!! 👏👏 「2020 Innovation & Incubation awards ceremony」behind the scenes <br> lhttps://pse.is/wzakb<br> https://live.accupai.com/live/52208976<br> 👑Come to find your silhouette in 2020 Innovation & Incubation awards ceremony 👑