為了提供前往史瓦帝尼旅遊、就學、工作及移民的國人遭遇緊急危難時及時且必要協助,史瓦帝尼僑界急難救助協會於本(109)年8月15日舉行成立大會,駐史瓦帝尼大使館梁大使洪昇亦應邀出席,會中選出劉僑務促進委員書凱擔任會長,侯僑務促進委員廣靈則擔任副會長,史瓦帝尼地區的僑胞希望透過該平臺,整合大家的力量,為有緊急需要的旅外國人盡一份心力。… 更多
Taiwanese Emergency Assistance Association in Eswatini is launched!
To provide Taiwanese nationals who go to Eswatini to travel, study, work or immigrate timely care and assistance for any accidents or emergencies, Taiwanese Emergency and Assistance Association in Eswatini had its inauguration on August 15th, 2020. Amb.Jeremy H.S. Liang, the Taiwan R.O.C. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Eswatini,… 更多