勞工保險局, 台北市。 863,093 個讚 · 12,313 人正在談論這個 · 6,805 個打卡次。讓勞保局走進我們的生活吧^_^ 陳情申訴請至勞保局官網意見信箱 https://www.bli.gov.tw/0100101.html...
勞保被保險人失能程度符合失能給付標準,但未達「終身無工作能力」之失能項目者,得申請勞保失能一次金;如失能程度符合「終身無工作能力」之失能項目,且於98年1月1日前有勞保年資者,亦得選擇一次請領失能給付喔~ 🔹詳細說明:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0004838.html #勞保 #失能 Lump-Sum Disability Benefits
The benefits are available… 更多 to an insured person whose disability conditions conforming to the criteria stipulations of disability benefits payout, but not yet reaching the “permanent inability to work” payout item (a total of 201 disability items); or an insured person whose disability conditions confirming to the “permanent inability to work” payout item, and also has insured seniority prior to January 1, 2009, may also choose to file for the lump-sum benefits payout. 🔹For more information: https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0007460.html