但現在他們要立足竹山,將社區經驗與國際接軌囉… 小鎮文創創辦人何培鈞從民宿內使用的竹藝品、竹製傢俱、牙刷、吸管等用品,都採用在地製造的商品開始,再將竹山鎮中心的地標台西客運車站改裝成「竹青庭人文空間」,結合竹山當地特色美食和竹編藝術,到現在推動虛擬貨幣、區塊鏈、雲端概念融入現有的實體資源之中,都對竹山發展的下一步都有更科學化分析。… 更多 上述的努力不僅是希望將竹山小鎮地方創生的經驗,輸出到亞洲各國,更重要的是,給竹山孩子們一個典範,告訴他們在竹山,可以用創意連結起臺灣各地、放眼亞洲甚至是全世界。 閱讀全文:https://reurl.cc/3Lzag0 #社會經濟入口網 #勞動部 You may have heard or even visited the "Yard of the Sky" at Zhushan Township in Nantou County, and now local people are standing here with their community development experience to greet the world. Pei-jun He, the founder of the famous "Townway" culture industry, started with the use of locally made products for the bamboo art, bamboo furniture, toothbrushes, straws, and other… 更多