三年七萬 學習不斷 創造加值人生 勞動部勞動力發展署公告110年度上半年「產業人才投資方案」在職訓練課程,提供您三年七萬在職進修補助。本方案課程種類多元,例如管理類、電腦資訊技術類、語文類、工業設計類、財務金融類等課程,歡迎依自己本身需求擇定訓練課程,以精進原有技能或培養第二專長。詳情請洽客服專線:0800-777-888,或逕至勞動力發展署臺灣就業通在職訓練網網站https://www.wda.gov.tw/查詢。… 更多 Continue education for a value-added life with NT$70,000 for 3 years The Workforce Development Agency (WDA) of the Ministry of Labor announced the in-service training courses for the first half of 2021 under the “Industrial Human Resource Investment Program.” Participants will be subsidized up to NT$70,000 for a period of three years to participate in further in-service education. The Program offers courses in different fields, such as management, computer and IT, language, industrial design, and finance. Come select a course based on your demand to sharpen your skills or develop a second specialty. Please call for details at 0800-777-888 or directly look up information from the Taiwan Jobs website (https://ojt.wda.gov.tw/) of the WDA.