【幸福‧勻勻仔行】 為增進社會對誠信經營議題的關注,倡議企業重視商譽、善盡社會責任,法務部廉政署特製作微電影「幸福 勻勻仔行」,以中小企業老闆與女兒特助,在職場理念及家庭生活互動為故事主軸,透過父女間對話與一段深藏已久往事,點出企業誠信經營背後,所肩負之社會責任與正向價值
歡迎大家至法務部廉政署網站:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf7SD17o8jI點按連結觀看。… 更多 [Happiness, Walking Firmly] To raise the social concern about ethical operations, we advocate the value of goodwill and fulfilling corporate social responsibility. The Agency Against Corruption (AAC) of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) specifically made the microcinema “Happiness, Walking Firmly.” With workplace concepts and family interaction between a SME owner and his daughter cum special assistant as the main plot, a conversation between them brings forth a deeply buried issue to point out the social responsibility and positive value behind ethical operations of businesses.
Welcome to click on the link from the photo carousel on the homepage of the AAC website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf7SD17o8jI