國有財產署中區分署雲林辦事處參與淨灘活動 共同守護海岸整潔 本署雲林辦事處受邀參與麥寮鄉公所、台塑企業志工及環保團體舉辦之淨灘活動。雲林辦事處張能軒主任率隊(約10名同仁)前往響應,清理可回收資源及非資源垃圾各約0.5噸,共同守護海岸整潔。 The Yunlin Office of the Central Region Branch of the National Property Administration… 更多 participates in beach cleaning to jointly protect the clean coast The Yunlin Office was invited to participate in beach cleaning activities organized by Mailiao Township Office, Volunteers from Formosa Plastics Group and environmental organizations. Neng-Hsuan Chang, Director of the Yunlin Office, led a team (approximately 10 personnel) to participate and protect the clean coast, cleaning up about 0.5 tons of recyclable waste and non-recyclable waste each.