國有財產署中區分署於110年1月14日(星期四)上午9時在中區分署舉辦國有非公用文化資產管理維護說明會(苗栗、南投、雲林場),邀集文化資產公告範圍內土地、地上物管理機關及所有權人、文化資產主管機關、使用人及相關團體共同參與,說明會已圓滿順利達成,後續中區分署苗栗、南投、雲林辦事處將持續推動媒合相關單位及人員落實妥適管理維護文化資產事宜。 The seminar on the management and… 更多 maintenance of national non-public use cultural assets (Miaoli, Nantou, and Yunlin) held at 09:00 on January 14, 2021 (Thu) by the Central Region Branch of the National Property Administration of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) with management entities, owners, cultural asset competent authorities, cultural asset users, and related groups ended smoothly. In the future, the Miaoli, Nantou, and Yunlin offices of the Central Region Branch will continuously promote matching related units and personnel to enforce the proper management and maintenance of cultural assets.