台灣就業通協助你! #青年職得好評試辦計畫~來惹!📣
✅15-29歲&失業 6 個月以上之青年或109年1月15日至110年6月30日間退伍之15-29歲失業青年。
👉https://reurl.cc/8ndOqR… 更多 It is hard to set career goals!Do you want to improve your job seeking skills?
TaiwanJobs can help!#CareerEvaluationPilotProgramForYouth is coming!📣
✅Youths aged 15-29 who have been unemployed for more than 6 months, or unemployed youths who have been discharged from the military from January 15, 2020 to June 30,2021.
✅ WDA provides complete and in-depth employment counseling services to help clarify career directions and show personal advantages.
✅After you have been successfully hired for more than 3 consecutive months after the consaltation, 30,000 NT will be provided by WDA. For more information, please follow the link below and apply now. 👉️https://www.taiwanjobs.gov.tw/Internet/2019/youth_plan/ (TaiwanJobs Website)