營造友善關懷工作環境 員工協助方案講座登場 國有財產署中區分署為強化同仁性別平等意識及增進身體保健能力,109年9月18日辦理員工協助方案專題講座。當日上午邀請心理諮商師廖惠桑講授「性別主流化~美滿人生必修學分」,課程中藉由實際案例,探討性別角色任務與價值觀,瞭解其差異,進而落實性別主流化實質內涵。下午則邀請臺中榮民總醫院務理治療師黃駿翰講授「要動不痛 … 更多 愛脊即愛己」,鑑於上班族常因久坐不動,致生頸肩腰部位的脊椎病痛,講師除講解各項酸痛成因外,並現場示範數種適當的脊椎運動,協助同仁達到預防保健的目的,課程生動實用,同仁滿意度超過95%。 Creating a friendly and caring working environment, lectures on the Employee Assistance Programs are held To strengthen the awareness of gender equality among colleagues and improve the ability of physical health care, the Central Region Branch of the National Property Administration organized a lecture on the Employee Assistance Programs on September 18, 2020. In the morning, counseling psychologist Hui-Sang Liao was… 更多