【2019全球清廉印象指數我國排名創佳績】 國際透明組織於今年公布2019年清廉印象指數,全球計有180個國家及地區納入評比,臺灣排名第28名,分數為65分,超過全球84%受評國家,為2012年新評比標準以來最佳成績。顯見近年來政府在公私部門推動各項防貪作為的努力與進步,已逐漸落實並獲得相當成果。 【Taiwan ranked well in the 2019 Corruption Perceptions… 更多 Index】 Transparency International released the 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index. 180 countries and regions around the world are included in the evaluation. Taiwan ranks 28th with a score of 65, surpassing 84% of the evaluated countries, which is the best record since the 2012 new assessment standards are taken into account. In recent years, the government's efforts and progress in promoting various anti-corruption measures in the public and private sectors have gradually been implemented and achieved considerable results.