國有財產e點靈, 台北市。 40,186 個讚 · 205 人正在談論這個 · 53 個打卡次。【國有財產e點靈】是財政部國有財產署的官方粉絲專頁! 將會不定期提供好康活動及國產資訊喔>///< 如有陳情、申訴、檢舉及申請等案件,請至國產署官網(www.fnp.gov.tw)便民服務或溝通橋樑唷!
109年10月17日(星期六)下午2時至5時,假臺中市西區草悟道廣場舉辦「花漾銀髮 舞動樂齡」健康活力秀舞蹈競賽!
另有攤位闖關尋寶活動、推廣下載財政部統一發票兌獎APP、捐贈發票做公益、填寫問卷拿好禮及稅務諮詢服務等,還有精彩表演及豐富大獎等你抽,歡迎大家踴躍參加。 The “Forever Young… 更多 Elderly Dance Competition” will be held at 14.00~17.00 on October 17, 2020 (Sat) at the Calligraphy Greenway Plaza in West District, Taichung City!
Besides organizing the elderly dance competition, the National Property Administration will also set up stalls in the plaza on the event day. Visitors only need to check-in and click “like” to redeem a fun gift!
Other activities include a treasure hunt game, Uniform Invoice Lottery Redemption APP promotion and download, receipt donation for public welfare, filling out questionnaires for great gifts, and tax affairs consultation. There are also wonderful performances and a lucky draw with awesome prizes. We welcome everyone to join the event.