台灣就業通 TaiwanJobs WDA, 新北市 (New Taipei City) 。 162,003 個讚 · 2,925 人正在談論這個。大家好,我是賈伯斯(Jobs),是「台灣就業通」粉絲團的代言人,歡迎各位粉絲一起加入我們的行列,讓賈伯斯家族幫助您上臉書也能輕輕鬆鬆找到好工作!
一起來血拚兼做公益吧! 勞動部以「精美go好禮」、「美味go好食」、「輕鬆go好物」、「元氣go好飲」為主題,為您特別嚴選全臺優質在地特色商品,期盼您與我們一同伸出肯定的雙手,以行動支持在地單位的真誠與樸實,促進在地產業,創造工作機會,給予他們永續經營的力量。
連結網址 https://gofun.wda.gov.tw/category/0006 #多元就業開發方案 … 更多#培力就業計畫 #雙11go購趣 #勞動部 Shop on GoFun and Feed Your Needs on Double 11th Day!
As the notorious Double 11th Day is threatening, defense yourself! The Ministry of Lobor (MOL) sincerely invites you to engage in shopping fun and make an effort to the charity! MOL presents selected, excellent local goodies around Taiwan with heart-touching themes such as “Here You Go Faire Gifts”, “Here You Go Tasty Foodies”, “Here You Go Easy Accessories”, and “Here You Go Lively Drinks.” We’d like to support local industries with your hands, to create local employment opportunities and enhance them with sustainable power. Our Website: https://gofun.wda.gov.tw/category/0006 #MultiEmploymentPromotionProject