【創業大冒險】讓民眾協助你圓夢☀ 💡主題|群眾集資x觀念建立x市場剖析📖🔍<br> 📍時間|2020年08月20日(四) 14:00-16:00<br> 📍地點|社會創新實驗中心(台北市大安區仁愛路三段99號)<br> 📌報名網址|https://reurl.cc/V6yRYQ 🎯如何讓民眾也變成你的贊助者?<br> 🎯積沙成塔、滴水穿石,集合每個人的力量造就你的成功!<br> - - - - - -… 更多<br> 【Start-up Adventure】How to get everyone support your business? 💡Theme|Crowdfunding x Capacity building x Market analysis <br> 📍Date&Time|2020/08/20 (Thu) 14:00-16:00<br> 📍Location|Social Innovation Lab (No. 99, Section 3, Ren'ai Road, Da’an District, Taipei City)<br> 📌Registration Link| https://reurl.cc/V6yRYQ<br> 🎯Anyone could be a sponsor. Do you know how to seize the attention of your angel?<br> 🎯Let us share the key points of “Crowdfunding” and make your dream come true! #startuphub #course #resources<br> #創業資源 #群眾集資<br> #行政院新創基地 #新創圓夢網 #你的創業第一站