國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2020年9月16日上午10:31 · 本季的【#筆歌墨舞–#故宮繪畫導覽】也有一些精選的小品冊頁,像【宋 馬遠 小品(冊)】,畫心是特別的獨木舟式,裝池形式相當別致。這次一共展出第四、五、六、七開,附圖是第四開,繪茶花和牡丹,第五開描繪葡萄、桃實,設色濃麗,用筆極精,花葉脈絡絲毫不茍。第六、七開是山水人物,繪山閣對坐,策杖登高,水上乘舟,具有清曠脫凡的風韻。畫雖為無名款,但被歸於馬遠(活動於1180-1224)名下。畫幅雖小,然構圖布局呈現畫家風格特色。… 更多
【Intimate Scenes】Ma Yuan (fl. 1180-1224), Song dynasty
This album boasts a selection of paintings of camellias, peonies, grapes, and peaches. Their brushwork is impeccable, to the degree that the veins on the flowers and leaves are painted to near perfection. Quite uniquely, the paintings on two of the leaves were mounted with canoe-shaped borders. The remaining leaves contain landscapes and human figures. Their scenery includes hills and pavilions, with travelers traversing the… 更多