💧清明上河圖小測驗🔎尋人找店系列 ‼️本月再一題
Next to “Coin Sellers”, a person climbs up a tall ladder. What is he doing up there?
A.把藥材鋪在籮筐裡,放在屋檐上曬 Putting herbal medicine in the basket… 更多 on the eaves to dry under the sun
B.把染布燙平,掛在竹竿上曬 Ironing dyed fabric and hanging it on the bamboo poles to dry under the sun
C.背著工具箱,將窗戶修理好 Carrying a toolbox and fixing the window
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清明上河圖("Up the River During Qingming")有很多版本,不過以 #清院本清明上河圖 最精彩!因為⬇️
#場面最大 #尺幅最長(36.5 cm X 1152.8 cm)