雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “天氣冷,捐血的人變少了,血庫O型血液只剩下不到5天存量,台中捐血中心昨天(21)進駐台中朝陽科大,朝陽學生很捧場,紛紛挽袖捐血。捐血中心希望民眾踴躍捐血,以免過年期間,各大醫院鬧血荒。
As the climate gets chilly, there are fewer people donating blood. In the local blood bank, the amount of blood type O cannot last even for five days. Yesterday, the Taichung… 更多 Blood Center began to station at the Chaoyang University of Technology, where the students passionately donate their blood. The Taichung Blood Center hopes the local residents can enthusiastically donate their blood so that there will not be blood shortage in the major hospitals during the New Year ”