雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ 101年國中基本學力測驗簡章明天(10)起發售。國中基測全國試務委員會表示,今年國中基測只考一次,在6月9號、10號兩天舉行考試,考生報名時,必須先選擇登記分發區;另外,今年基測考場全面開放冷氣,考生如果不想在冷氣房內考試,可以另外提出申請。
The… 更多 policies and rules for the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students will be on sale from tomorrow. The committee for the testing affairs indicates that the test will be held once on Jane 9th and 10th this year, The test takers should select the districts of distribution registered first when applying for it. Additionally, the air conditioning service will be offered. Those who don’t want to take exam in the rooms with air conditioning can apply for others.” 更多雙語新聞:http://www.ner.gov.tw/index.php?act=culnews&culnews_category=19