國有財產e點靈, 台北市。 40,186 個讚 · 205 人正在談論這個 · 53 個打卡次。【國有財產e點靈】是財政部國有財產署的官方粉絲專頁! 將會不定期提供好康活動及國產資訊喔>///< 如有陳情、申訴、檢舉及申請等案件,請至國產署官網(www.fnp.gov.tw)便民服務或溝通橋樑唷!
#國有財產署中區分署109年7月份標售國有非公用不動產(台中市)訊息報您知!! 國有財產署中區分署109年度第30批國有非公用不動產標售(共9宗)已於網站公告,將於109年7月2日下午2時30分辦理開標,有興趣粉絲可參閱中區分署便民服務網頁!! Announcement of the Central Region Branch, National Property Administration of MOF on… 更多 invitation to tender of national property for non-public use (Taichung City) in July 2020 !! The Central Region Branch, National Property Administration of MOF has announced the invitation to bidding of 30 lots of national property for non-public use (9 lots of property) in 2020 at its official website. Tender will be opened on July 2 2020, at 2:30 pm. Those who are interested in the offer are free to visit the section of public service at our official website!!