一年一度「創新產品獎」的得獎產品於探索館展出囉!👏 🏆義隆電子/全蓋式(Under PVC)指紋辨識智慧卡解決方案:
1. 極高感度
2. 最快速辨識
3. 最高操作距離
4. 防偽安全辨識
5. 簡化生產工序,實現熱壓合指紋識別智慧卡的終極生產工藝,大幅降低生產成本。 🏆ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION/ Under-PVC Fingerprint Smart Card… 更多 Solutions:
ELAN 3rd-generation Under PVC Smart Card-Based Fingerprint Recognition Solutions has set a new milestone for biometric smart cards. It not only exceeds the performance limits of existing cards in the market, but also achieves:
1. Extremely high sensitivity capacitive
2. The fastest recognition
3. Maximum operating distance
4. Anti-counterfeiting
5. By simplifying the production process, production costs is greatly refuced. 想了解更多關於此產品的資訊嗎? 快來探索館看看吧! #2021年度創新產品獎 🔥 ⚠️為了訪賓的安全,我們每天皆會進行館內消毒,可安心參觀
🔍歡迎搜尋我們的Youtube頻道「竹科萬花筒」觀賞線上導覽影片 #疫情期間來訪請全程配戴口罩 😷
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