管碧玲 (kuanbiling), 高雄市。 109,481 個讚 · 18,622 人正在談論這個。管媽LineID:@kuanmom Line連結:https://goo.gl/lLBeUg 管媽親自服務時間: 每周六早上9點半至12點 內惟服務處 (九如四路1097號07-533-0227)
Hereby I would like to ask our Foreign Ministry and other nations worldwide to object the WHO Secretariat office for the malicious interpretation of the U.N. Resolution #2758.
Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus shall admit his mistake just as well as Director-General Ban Ki-Moon of U.N. did!! Mr. Tedros has been ridiculously indicating… 更多 that Taiwan is part of China using the UN Resolution #2758 and tried to tie Taiwan up with China with the 2005 Memorandum of Understanding, which was exactly what Director-General Ban Ki-Moon did in 2007. Below I would like to reveal what mistake Ban Ki-Moon has made and the consequences in 2007. March 2007, Taiwan wanted to join the U.N.… 更多
  • 陳長崑