#國產業務心服務 為輔導農民合法承租彰化縣溪州鄉國縣(彰化縣)共有耕地,國有財產署中區分署彰化辦事處日前駐點於彰化縣溪州鄉水尾村里民活動中心,辦理耕地放租說明會與受理收件事宜。會上以口語化方式說明出租法令規定,耐心回應民眾提問,另就備齊申租證件者,亦當場辦理收件。透過本次駐點服務,輔導占用戶能夠合法取得公有土地使用權。權益保障增進,農民樂開懷。 Service for National Property To… 更多 guide farmers to legally rent the Guoxian (Changhua County) commune farmland in Xizhou Township in Changhua County, the Changhua Office, Central Region Branch, National Property Administration (NPA) has recently organized a farmland lease seminar and accepted rental applications at the Shuiwei Village Activity Center in Xizhou Township, Changhua County. At the seminar, NPA staff explained related laws and regulations to villagers colloquially and patiently listened to and answered their questions. In addition, NPA staff accepted the applications from villages who had brought with them the related documents. Through this resident service, NPA aims to guide tenants to legally acquire the right to use national land, in order to protect the rights and interests of farmers and make them happy.