國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2020年7月8日上午10:00 · 清明上河圖小測驗🔎尋人找店系列(休息了好多天,清明上河圖又回來了!)
Someone is wearing a bamboo leaf hat and holding a rake at the gateway of Bian Jing City. What is he doing bent over? Why is he doing… 更多 that?
A.搓繩子,讓繩子更柔軟 Rubbing the rope to make it softer
B.曬米糧,因為要讓食物保存更久 Drying the rice in the sun to preserve it
C.坐在扁擔上聊天,等待米熟透 Sitting on the carrying pole and chatting while waiting for the rice to cook
🤩本館的102 陳列室有全牆面放大版清明上河圖,一定要來看喔!
清明上河圖("Up the River During Qingming")有很多版本,不過以 #清院本清明上河圖 最精彩!
#場面最大 #尺幅最長(36.5 cm X 1152.8 cm)
#清明上河圖尋人找店 所有的答案都在這本❇️繪苑璚瑤—清院本清明上河圖(買來看,所有問題就可以Open Book了!)
▶️ lihi1.com/6AOJY