National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2020年8月28日下午2:39 · 【「版印潮」有什麼潮作品?第五擊:周瑛,〈稻草人〉,1987。】 1987年臺灣政治解嚴後藝術發展百花齊放,但木刻版畫的線條張力仍受不少版畫家所好,成為藝術家藉以反思社會、諷喻時局的有力媒介。其中60年代轉向現代版畫複合媒材創作實驗的周瑛(CHOU… 更多 Ying,1922~2011),在1987年重拾木刻版創作了〈稻草人〉一作,他描繪身穿西服,卻頭部長角、呲牙裂嘴的張狂怪物,並冠以虛張聲勢之稻草人之名,藉以諷喻當時言論自由大開、議堂暴力相向的社會亂象,版畫始終是藝術家進行社會批判的言說工具。 Taiwanese art blossomed after the Martial Law was lifted in 1987, but the dramatic expression of woodcuts were still preferred by many print printmakers. Among the artists, CHOU Ying (1922-2011), who turned to mixed media modern prints in the 60s, started creating woodcuts once again in 1987 and created work Scarecrow. The work depicts a teeth-baring monster, while the title suggests bluffing. CHOU’s work hints to the newfound freedom of speech and violence during political liberations. Ultimately, prints are always the media that artists use to critique society. 周瑛,〈稻草人〉,1987,木刻版,73.2×48.5公分。國立臺灣美術館典藏。
CHOU Ying, Scarecrow, 1987, woodcut, 73.2×48.5 cm. Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.