National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2020年9月29日下午1:55 · 【「版印潮」有什麼潮作品?第十五擊:翁梁源,〈等待方舟〉,2015。】 長期投入動畫與遊戲製作的翁梁源(WENG… 更多 Liang-Yuan,1965~),試圖結合數位攝影及傳統繪畫,以超越傳統影像與純繪畫的表現侷限,重塑一種新的審美取向。〈等待方舟〉以數位影像繪圖製作,闡述無論自然如何演化,在面臨殘酷的生存法則中,所有生物均是等待救贖的靈魂之軀,傳達對生態環境的無奈與感慨。翁梁源透過掃描器的攝取,再以電腦繪圖軟體進行複製、拼貼、組合、疊加,呈現電腦分色製版技法,最終以微噴輸出,在探索數位媒材表現之餘,亦不忘凸顯其手工創作本質。 Having immersed himself into the expression of animation and video games, WENG Liang-Yuan (1965-) attempts to integrate digital images in his works and aims to break free from the boundaries of traditional photography and painting, hoping to reinvent new aesthetics. WENG’s Waiting for the Arc is a work composed of digital image drawing methods and depicts how all living beings are souls waiting for salvation in the face of cruel… 更多