National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2020年9月8日下午1:49 · 【「版印潮」有什麼潮作品?第八擊: 渡邊加奈子,〈X(偶)2〉,2013。】 日本女性藝術家渡邊加奈子(Kanako… 更多 WATANABE,1979~)〈X(偶)2〉一作少了對性別議題的著墨,多的是對日本陰翳美學的探索。她以傳統日式人偶為題,透過水印木刻技法,在和紙上正面、反面印20到30次,每次版印痕跡都保留在紙面上,完整紀錄整個創作過程之餘,更意圖透過時間堆疊出來的光影印痕,召喚遠古祖先的如靈存在,以有形表達內在無形感受,突顯日本萬物有靈的美學觀。 X (doll) 2 by female Japanese artist Kanako WATANABE (1979-)is a work that is less about gender issues and more on the explorations of traditional Japanese aesthetics. Centering on traditional dolls, WATANABE applies watermark woodcut techniques to repeat the prints 20 to 30 times on Japanese paper. The traces of each printing session is preserved on the paper. Not only does this approach comprehensively documents the creative process but it also aims to summon the spiritual presence of ancestors to express intangible sentiments. The creative method also accentuates the Japanese aesthetic belief of Animism. 渡邊加奈子,〈X(偶)2〉,2013,木刻版,136×91公分。國立臺灣美術館典藏。
Kanako WATANABE, X (doll) 2, 2013, woodcut, 136×91 cm. Collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.