National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
【「版印潮」有什麼潮作品?第六擊:羅平和,〈達悟的夢靨-9〉,2016。】 長年定居台東、關注原住民議題的羅平和(LO… 更多 Pin-Ho,1960~)以12塊臺灣高山肖楠木為版材,透過線條細膩的木口木刻凸版技法,以及紅色點字的單刷裱貼法,組構出〈達悟的夢魘-9〉這幅巨作。在完全對稱的構圖下,以單位圖像不斷重複,構成外型貌似動物的主體輪廓。細察畫作下方,海葵、珊瑚、飛魚飛過拼板船,表達達悟人與自然共生的自然信仰,往上可見被繩索綑綁的族人、解體的拼板舟、翻肚的海底生物等。左右兩側圓形圖像內為沉思未來的長老、噤聲的婦女,對照畫面中央金色圓形內援引杜勒木刻版畫〈耶穌受難〉,透過兩者意象對比與主題隱喻,陳述對政府蘭嶼廢核料盲目政策之控訴。
LO Pin-Ho (1960-) had, for a long time, focused his attention on issues concerning the indigenous tribe. Lo used 12 pieces of Taiwan incense-cedar as the material for the printing plate and applied the exquisite carving methods of wood engraving as well as red braille single print mounting methods to compose Nightmare of Tao Tribe - 9, accusing the government’s policies towards… 更多