Tsai-mai Tien
謹以"筧橋"兩字做一幅對聯, 慶祝母校生日快樂 : 「筧英救國揚寰宇, 勛勣永續. 橋育後進再冲天, 威震長空」 !… 更多 第四十任校長 恭題。 I use “筧橋” two words ( original location of the academy in Zhejiang Province, China ) to make a Chinese poetic couplet to celebrate the 91st anniversary of the R.O.C.A.F. Academy. The couplet as follows : 「In defense of the nation, valiant deeds of the warriors will be honoured for eternity. Soaring into the air, the warriors of the skies reign supreme」. The 40th Superintendent of the Academy.