🌸 「櫻櫻」期盼的櫻花季到!
無法出國覺得「櫻櫻」美代子嗎?(.•́ _ʖ •̀.)
從北到南,從山上到平地,抓緊時間出去走走🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻,不想人擠人,線上賞櫻一樣好開心~ 🌸今年氣象局與農業試驗所推出花期預報
⬇️⬇️⬇️… 更多
https://pse.is/3yfffp 提供給民眾賞花資訊參考,歡迎多加利用🦦
🌸It's Cherry Blossom Season! Are you feeling bored because you can't go abroad to see cherry blossoms this year?
If you are, then we have great news.
From north to south, from the valleys to the mountains, even online, you can see cherry bloosoms everywhere in Taiwan!
Do you know where the best spot for viewing cherry blossoms in Taiwan is ? 🗺Taiwan Cherry Blossom Map
The above is provided for your reference. #2030雙語政策
#電視上的可能會比現場更美 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯