🥪🍳🥤台灣早餐店裡歷久不衰的經典菜色「 #蛋餅 」,是每家早餐店最美的風景❤️ 😋你是軟嫩的粉漿派還是酥脆的麵團派呢?Q彈餅皮搭配滿滿蛋汁,不管是肉鬆、培根、起司、玉米、鮪魚或是花生醬都能自由搭配,甜的鹹的都可以!再配上一杯大冰奶,就是台灣早餐最經典的組合! 你今天蛋餅了嗎?來點早餐讓一早充滿活力吧☀️
☀️ Happy morning with Taiwanese traditional breakfast… 更多 DANBING! Dan Bing is a traditional Taiwanese breakfast food that is usually sold by street across vendors and country in every morning. Basically, Dan Bing is a thin crepe with an egg on top. There's multiple variations. Each vendor makes them with their own special batter. Some are made crispy while others are more fluffy. Feel free to try different fillings in the egg mixture such as pork floss, cheese, ham, bacon, corn etc. Actually there are no rules when it comes to what goes in a Dan Bing! My favorites fillings is “peanut butter“, it was heavenly! Get a dan bing for today? #2030雙語政策 #bilingual2030 #與小編的早餐約會 #台灣早餐