國發會, 台北市。 104,096 個讚 · 445 人正在談論這個 · 1,088 個打卡次。國家發展策略運籌總部 2015年起,國家發展委員會(簡稱:國發會)將在facebook與大家互動,讓意見溝通與交流更為直接、即時,盼您和國發會一同集思廣益,為台灣擘劃方向。
【感謝各界熱情轉載 英語版食譜熱騰騰出爐(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ】
上週分享的 #蘭姆酒食譜 深受大家歡迎,藉著BBC等外國媒體報導
許多外國網友也躍躍欲試,國發會正式獻上 #英語版食譜///
#Recipe requests had poured in for the past few days!!!!
Here comes the highly-anticipated bilingual version. 😍… 更多 Here we go!
Four Tips - How to Drink and Cook with #Rum
Let's show your support for #Lithuania! 💪
Taiwan continues deepening its friendship with Lithuania by signing six MOUs and exchanging medical supplies against Covid-19 last year. Lithuania also made its debut at the Taipei Food Expo 2021.
Recently, China deleted Lithuania from the customs registry over Taiwan ties, and Lithuanian rum was therefore blocked from entering China. The so-called “dark rum” has a darker color and a very distinctive aroma. It would go very well with many dishes, or you can simply drink it straight!👏
A friendly reminder from the NDC:
🚫 Over drinking is bad for your health.
🚫 Please do not drink and drive.
🚫 No drinking under 18.
  • 國發會
    中文這邊請⬇️ https://www.facebook.com/ndc.gov.tw/posts/3040237002910987