🎉【提升境外僱用外籍船員勞動條件座談會】今日(12/14) 高雄登場!! 座談會這次來到✨遠洋漁業重鎮高雄✨
以及增設💻視訊方式使更多NGO能共同參與,且由漁業署訪查同仁擔任通譯人員,讓大家瞭解印尼官方提出的內容與更方便表達自己的意見😊 🧑🏫… 更多座談會討論重點,在確保外籍船員能全額領取到薪資;薪資清冊透明與保存;提供船員們在船上能擁有更多休閒娛樂。
期待透過近期幾場座談會,持續在提升漁業產值同時,能看見漁工的價值,以維護勞動者人權,共創勞資雙贏局面💪 **** FORUM ON THE PROMOTION OF WORKING CONDITIONS FOR
FOREIGN NATIONAL CREW MEMBERS IS BEING HELD IN KAOHSIUNG TODAY! Held in Kaohsiung, an important offshore fishery town, this forum includes representatives from the Fisheries Industry Association and NGOs devoted to promoting the rights of foreign national crew members, as well as officials from Indonesian Economics and Trade Office in Taipei… 更多
Ansensius Guntur
Thanks for having this meeting with all stakeholders. It's… 更多 indeed good opportunity to exchange ideas for the improvement.