國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2020年6月8日上午11:38 · 坤輿全圖動物大觀園—巨嘴鳥
坤輿全圖裡共有21種動物,在上一篇 蛇 的位置右下方就是 巨嘴鳥,也是坤輿全圖動物大觀園的倒數第2位囉
💥故宮Open Data有坤輿全圖喔 ‼️下載 👉️ https://bit.ly/3dn1636
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#坤輿全圖 裡對 #巨嘴鳥 的描述是這樣的:
The Great Universal Map (Kunyu Quantu) which Father Ferdinand Verbiest drew for the Kangxi Emperor. What dose the map say about ‘Toucan’?
“This animal is found in Brazil. It has a very large beak, about 25 centimeters long and approximately the same length of its body. The outer wall of its mouth is as thin as paper, hollow inside, and seemingly thin enough for light to pass through.”
※Toucan its large beak could help with… 更多