【提升境外僱用外籍船員勞動條件座談會】 遠洋漁業邁向永續道路的重要目標之一
就是「提升境外僱用外籍船員勞動條件」! 昨日(12/1)由漁業署大家長 #張致盛署長
首次邀請漁業產業公協會,和關心外籍船員人權的NGO組織進行對話,將以往雙邊因缺乏機會溝通,致彼此誤解情形,透過政府、產業與NGO組織平台良好溝通,以分進合擊方式,在提升漁業產值同時,也能看見漁工的價值,以維護勞動者人權,共創勞資雙贏局面。… 更多 【Consultation with civil society and industry on the promotion of working conditions for migrant workers in the fisheries sector】 The promotion of working conditions for migrant workers in distant water fisheries is key to achieving Sustainable Development Goals. On December 1, Fisheries Agency Director-General, Dr. Chang, Chih-Sheng , held a consultation with representatives from the fishing industry and NGOs working to promote the rights of migrant workers in the sector. Designed to resolve… 更多