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在疫情期間探索館仍然不忘更新我們的新展品喔!👏 「世大光電/KamLan可交換式相機鏡頭 50MM-F1.1-Ⅱ📷:
50MM為標準鏡頭,此款產品主要應用在微單APS-C的相機上,主流相機如Sony、Fujifilm、Olympus、Panasonic、Canon上皆能使用,換算全片幅等效焦距約為80MM。適合拿來拍攝人像或其他靜物,大光圈的特性,使得在虛化背景上擁有強大優勢,對於新手拍攝唯美的人物擺拍非常好上手。」… 更多
「Balance is the main design concept of the Kamlan 50mm F1.1 MK2. Unlike most large aperture lenses with spherical aberration when shooting at close distance, Kamlan 50mm F1.1 MK2 features with dual high index of refraction element groups. It can calibrate the spherical aberration effectively. As a result, your images will be sharp from shortest distance to infinity. Further extending the flexibility of the lens is the ability to focus down to just 0.4m (1.3ft), allowing you to fill the frame with your subject and throw the background dramatically out of focus.」 #2021探索館新展品🔥 ⚠️疫情趨緩之後歡迎預約參觀👀
⚠️開館日期會在官網進行公告🔍 🌱歡迎有興趣的機關團體學校來科學園區探索館參訪交流
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  • Ju Ju