‼️打完疫苗後,還是要做好防疫喔 ‼️
#衛生福利部疾病管制署 針對疫苗、居家檢疫注意事項及口罩正確使用時機等重要資訊建置了「 #多國語言宣導品 」專區,不定時提供多語影片、海報、單張宣傳檔案,讓外國朋友們也能清楚掌握疫情,歡迎大家善加運用🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻 點擊下方連結看更多 🔽
英語 English : https://reurl.cc/R6Z8X9… 更多
⚠️Continuing preventive measures after vaccination 💉
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Ministry of Health and Welfare established a special area for multilingual communication resources on its official website. The CDC sometimes provides multilingual videos, posters or leaflets containing important information about vaccines, precautions for home quarantine, instructions on correct mask use, etc. The goal is to help noncitizens in Taiwan clearly understand the key… 更多