「虹光精密工業/360˚ 無線膠囊內視鏡💊🔍:
全球唯一360˚ 無線膠囊內視鏡,搭載四顆鏡頭,電量可達15個小時,可以清楚拍攝完整環狀的全景消化道影像。不需接收器、不需麻醉,吞下後病患可繼續日常活動;身上有電子或金屬植入物之病患皆適用。適用缺鐵症、克羅恩病、乳糜瀉及不正常出血,檢查傳統內視鏡難以到達的小腸部位。分析軟體Capsoview以及共同設計的讀取器CapsoAccess,讓影像下載更簡單與快速。」
「The… 更多 unique 360˚ wire-free capsule endoscope with four cameras, 15 hours batteries, CapsoCam Plus, capture panoramic GI image when capsule passes through the intestine. No receiver, no pain, no anesthesia. The patients who has implantable electromagnetic device can use CapsoCam Plus. For Iron deficiency, Crohn’s, Celiac disease and obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, the doctors can do the small bowel examination which the traditional endoscope hardly approaches. The software CapvoView and co-designed reader CapsoAccess make image downloading and analysis easier.」 #2021探索館展品介紹💯 ⚠️疫情趨緩之後歡迎預約參觀👀
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