1) In May 2021, after I left a comment on the Facebook page of Economic Policy Institute, I got stalked by an evil rioter named "Stephen Pope", with its Facebook profile picture showing a big baldhead turtle man with a beautiful young daughter, and with its Facebook page named www.facebook.com/stephen.pope.1088. In addition to stalking and (sexual) harassment, this evil turtle demon head also meant to perpetrate sexually blasphemous defamation and ID-robbery toward God, pope and the Church.
2) Later in 2021, I spotted a video on the Facebook page of Vatican News, making the Pope appeared like a mixture of semi-baldhead turtle and zombie man. This was criminal invasion, replacement and defamation toward God, Pope and the Church.
3) Late 2021 & earlier 2022, I found the website of St. Joseph's Church in Yorkville of New York City got evil-influenced. First, the picture of pastor appeared to be an evil turtle man. Second, the website had 2 email accounts (info@stjosephsyorkville.org and sjosephyorkville@aol.com). Although I always used the first email account (the real account) to email the Church, I kept getting emails from mail server, saying my emails could not be delivered. In addition, these notifications placed the 1st portion of my email address before "@stjosephsyorkville.org" as the first email address of this Church. And so I called the Church and tried to clarify the matter. I was answered by a "strange" man, telling me to only use the second email address. I did not listen to him and continued using the first email address. Then for my 2 most recent emails, I did not get strange notifications from email server.
4) Simultaneous, for the Church that I have been physically visiting (St. Andrew Avellino Church in Flushing, New York), I first got stalked by a baldhead turtle man on front the Church, silently insinuating that the Church was controlled by that legendary evil turtle demon head. Then I saw that, on the Church website and in the staff section, the pastor was a turtle race gentleman placed at the top section of the page; and the 3 men and 3 women staff members were placed in the bottom section of the page. In addition, the pictures of the 3 gentlemen insinuated a turtle link. This cannot be true because I met one of them and he was a completely normal gentleman. Thus, I think the website of this Church got criminally invaded to perpetrate replacement and defamation.
3. In the Free World Social Media
1) For decades, the criminal Chinese Black rioters have been aiming to steal/rob/kidnap the identity of the Chinese Dragon Race. In 2014, they brazenly released a TV drama series named《龙号机车》(The Dragon Brand of Engine), in which a turtle man with a charming appearance like a first class prostitute acted as the Chinese Dragon Head. I can see the intention was to assist their chief criminal Chinese Black rioter (vice prime minister Liu He) to usurp power by means of criminal invasion, replacement and defamation.
On March 9, a Chinese TV drama that I was watching showed a Chinese turtle man claiming itself to be from a Chinese Dragon Group and then spewing a morally detrimental idea to the public.
2) In May 2021, I got very impressed by a Chinese YouTube channel owner because of his extraordinary smart ideas in teaching various little tricks in home maintenance. And so I started to often visit him on YouTube. Then the next thing was that his identity got kidnapped and his decent looking got replaced by a demonic baldhead turtle man on his channel cover photo and in all the videos. And so I stopped watching his videos. www.youtube.com/channel/UCmEEFYkEfg6HvUTCvnJkU4g
Simultaneously, I also found my rights to comment on YouTube got restricted/blocked. Also, many of my favorite YouTube videos (TV dramas & News) got their video descriptions and their entire comment sections blanked (erased). This phenomenon happened for few months until after I switched my wireless hotspot provider.
3) Around that time, I started to receive e-newsletters from "Not The Bee" and found their news interesting. And so I went on their website and opened an account. Immediately, I got stalked and harassed by a big baldhead turtle man, mandating its account as "a follower" to my account. And so I had to immediately close the account to cut it off.
4) In November 2021, seeing that I liked the movie/TV introduction videos on a Chinese YouTube channel named 六界仙俠錄, the criminal Chinese Black rioters kidnapped the channel and started to make videos aimed at evil-influencing me. In one video, they forged a TV drama story and then brazenly told/suggested me that "It was a big turtle man who had been with you and 'calling' you for romance and never your honored gentleman Blazing Dragon." Thus proving that legendary evil turtle demon head is a despicable rapist by means of criminal invasion, replacement, ID-fraud and deception.
5) Recently, after I urged that we eliminate 2 categories of people (people of Color and the turtle race) from participating in the Governments of Europe, North America and Australia, I got interrupted in a YouTube video that I was watching by a hacked-in advertisement, showing a big nasty baldhead turtle man claiming that they (the pirates) just took over the General Motor. I am afraid these criminals meant to march their sexually predatory practice of ID-fraud, rape and sexual exploitation to the general public.
6) Recently, after I urged that we eliminate 2 categories of people (people of Color and the turtle race) from participating in the Governments of Europe, North America and Australia, I noticed that I got stalked and harassed by some evil turtle demons on YouTube. Because in all the Chinese TV dramas that I watched, there would be character(s) got forged to turtle man(men) to harass and annoy me. Such manner was like marching criminal turtle power and claiming criminal turtle territory. And that majority of these turtle men were demonic or even terrorizing.
In addition, these criminals perpetrated a malicious defamation toward an innocent Chinese actor initialed WJ, by insinuating that WJ was a turtle son and his father was a turtle man. This vile attack was due to few months ago that I praised WJ by saying he was the one who truly deserved a particular good name that was aimed by the criminal Chinese Black rioters in their usurping power by means of ID-robbery and mental rape so that their chief turtle demon head could continue stay in power.
1) In Point Lookout, New York, there is a realtor named Paul Gomez. In year 2011/2012, I worked for Paul Gomez in exchange for a place to stay. During this period of time, Paul Gomez perpetrated massive sexual seductions (including forbidden drug influences) toward me in order to sexually exploiting me. In addition, it colluded with the criminal Negro rioters to cut off my legitimate welfare benefit in order to coerce me into prostitute. And when the local Social Security Office refused to cooperate with the criminal Negro rioters in coercing me into prostitution, the office got closed down.
Later when I received my benefit and wanted to move out, Paul Gomez introduced me to a very evil woman to be my landlady. During this period, it again evil-influenced the Government Office to cut my legitimate benefit in order to gain probation time to keep me. And after it lost control to keep me, it had the evil landlady looking for trouble with me and then throwing out my belongings while I was working during the day. Paul Gomez then disguised itself as a good person by picking up my belongings, bringing them to me, and signaling a chance to stay with it. However, I decided to still move out the neighborhood. Few months later, the entire area (including Point Lookout and the area of my new home) suffered severe flooding and all homes were victimized. I always think this "natural disaster" was an intentional & angry act that had to do with the failure of Paul Gomez in its sexually predatory practice.
Afterward, Paul Gomez stalked me to my current residential building, coerced the landlord to submit to it, and then deceived me to sign a fake lease to steal my identity. Later, it even attempted to raise my rent to a staggering amount with an intention to evict me so that it could re-start its sexually predatory practice toward me. In 2018, I was hinted by a Taiwan media on YouTube that Paul Gomez was an evil turtle demon head.
2) In Hong Kong and beginning May 2018, I have been a target of the criminal Chinese Black rioters, aiming at sexually exploiting me by means of ID-fraud, deception and rape. Seeing that I had a strong favoritism to a Chinese gentleman actor named Blazing Dragon, those criminals began evil-influencing a serial Chinese TV dramas that I was watching on YouTube by hypnotizing me into feeling/thinking that it was Blazing Dragon on front of me and then perpetrating sexual seduction toward me. Meanwhile, on a 24/7 basis, they "meditated" on sexually seducing me in the name of Blazing Dragon. And that they even attempted to invite me to a big party in Manhattan and to have someone disguising as Blazing Dragon to meet with me in order to sexually exploit me.
Simultaneously, my identity in my HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation) bank account got stolen and later kidnapped by the criminal Chinese Black rioters/invaders hired through the "Affirmative Action" & "Equal Opportunity" employment policy. Eventually when they could no longer kidnap my identity, they sent me an email with a belittling voice tone, saying "Concerning your HSBC relationship". Because they planned to reject banking services toward me as their power-struggle against me.
In order to do that, they eliminated the entire class of bona fide HSBC checking and saving account customers by selling these customers to Citizens Bank & Cathay Bank and by claiming that HSBC would start to only serve "premier customers" who could keep a minimum balance of $750,000 in account or have monthly $5000 direct deposit. The brazen "Equal Opportunity" HSBC management meant to disguise itself as a noble character by upholding the premier class customers and by belittling victim of its ID-theft & ID-kidnapping crime. This was my impression from various Internet news and from the speaking manner of an HSBC telephone agent. And until few days ago, I was insinuated by the Hong Kong media on YouTube that it was the chief turtle demon head family in Hong Kong that was behind all these crimes.
3) In my community of Flushing, New York and in November 2021, I got pretty impressed by a Chinese gentleman street vendor and so I wanted to make friend with him to learn his sophisticated street-vending skill. Then the next thing was that he got "disappeared" from the vending station. And as I was wondering where he was and looking for him, I saw a criminal replacement to this Chinese gentleman vendor in this vending station. This criminal replacement had a signature character of a baldhead turtle man, aimed to carry out sexually predatory practice toward me. The location is at SE corner of Main Street/39th Ave in Flushing, New York.
5. To The Chinese Dragon Lord
1) The Chinese Dragon Lord --- Because I believe the Chinese Dragon Lord (电影《决裂》里的龙国正) is the most honorable positive force in China, who is also the driving force for me in overcoming the criminal Negro rioters together with the criminal Chinese Black rioters/invaders, a hippie style evil turtle demon went onto the most popular Chinese social networking website, rioting by stealing/robbing/kidnapping the identity of the Chinese Dragon Lord on front of the Public and under the Sun. https://weibo.com/u/5252318695
2) Blazing Dragon --- Because I have a strong favoritism to a Chinese gentleman actor named Blazing Dragon, he became a target of criminal invasion, replacement and defamation at the international level. For example, "Space X's Dragon Docks" is a brazen fraud by a criminal Negro turtle man, stealing/robbing/kidnapping the identity of Blazing Dragon in order to struggle criminal Black power and evil fortune by means of ID-fraud, rape and sexual exploitation.
For another example, in order to usurp power in the People's Republic of China, the criminal Chinese Black rioters steal/rob/kidnap the identities of Blazing Dragon and I in order to usurp the position of vice prime ministers. Their leader is vice prime minister Liu He, whose family/group power came from marrying that evil turtle demon head, as shown in the famous Chinese TV drama named Mazu.
For the 3rd example, in order to usurp the Presidency power in the Republic of China, the criminal Chinese Black rioters unleashed a replacement version of a famous Chinese actor named 张国立, who happened to have the same official name like Blazing Dragon. And then letting this replacement version actor to carry out a nasty demonic turtle image to act as the First President of the Republic of China. The real purpose was to steal/rob identity from Blazing Dragon in order to usurp power in the Republic of China and to also perpetrate mental rape toward me.
For the 4th example, in order to usurp power in Hong Kong, the criminal Chinese Black rioters attempted to steal name/identity from Blazing Dragon and to perpetrate mental rape toward me in order to get their nasty ugly evil turtle demon head to stay in power in Hong Kong.
For the 5th example, since May 2018, I have seen many criminal Chinese Black rioters stealing/robbing the identity of Blazing Dragon by means of criminal invasion, replacement and defamation. First, they kidnapped the blog page of Blazing Dragon and forged his pictures, blog posts and blog comments in order to sexually prey toward me. One of the forged pictures was acted by a semi-turtle demon head. Second, they retroactively forged/replaced the TV drama characters of Blazing Dragon in order to deceive me into accepting their inferior images. One of the forged/replaced characters was a young turtle/octopus man. Third, they forged/replaced all the Internet pictures of Blazing Dragon in order to steal his identity. One of the forged/replaced Internet pictures was a powerful turtle/octopus man.
Please allow me to strongly urge that you ELIMINATE that legendary evil turtle demon head together with its subordinate turtle demons. Because they have been struggling criminal Black power and evil fortune by means of criminal invasion, replacement, defamation, ID-theft, ID-robbery, ID-kidnapping, ID-fraud, deception, rape, sexual exploitation, abuse and violence. Below is a brief account of their offensive existence:
1. Toward the World Government
1) Russian President Vladimir Putin --- From what I know, President Putin has always been a normal gentleman. However, recently after I urged that we eliminate 2 categories of people (people of Color and the turtle race) from participating in the Governments of Europe, North America and Australia, I saw the identity/image of President Putin got kidnapped by that legendary evil turtle demon head through superimposing a semi-turtle baldhead toward President Putin. And in one picture on Facebook, I saw this "President Putin" had a lustrously good-looking pink face and was so charming like a first-class prostitute, insinuating a trade with superimposing a turtle man's head toward President Putin. This made me feeling sick and I felt all the real people somehow got intruded by that legendary evil turtle demon head on its criminal invasion, replacement and defamation.
2) Russia Embassy --- In November 2019, I shared a Russian Communist song named "Хочу в СССР" to my Facebook page. In December 2021, I accidentally found the YouTube channel named "Юрий Комиссаров" that provided this song got kidnapped because the channel only had 2 videos and that the other video showed a strange man talking. This phenomenon was stalking and sexual harassment toward me. And so I went onto the website of Russian Embassy to make a complaint. But then I saw the main page of the website showed a big demonic baldhead turtle man at upper left side, looking at me with a strange manner. I then clicked on the contact page and tried to submit my complaint via the contact form. But then all my keystrokes lost functions and I could not type a meaningful message. So I had to use AOL to type the complaint and then copy & paste to the contact form. This evil influence must be from that big demonic baldhead turtle man in defending the kidnapping, stalking and sexual harassment on YouTube.
3) Leaders of The International Communist Party --- Recently, when I was watching a Chinese TV drama named 刑案解密 from a YouTube channel named 国剧精选, I spotted that, at episode #4 and time 7:17, the leaders of the International Communist Party got criminally invaded by forging 2 additional characters after the real leaders (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao). The first forged character was Zhou, who was the prime minister under Mao and has been claimed by the criminal Chinese Black rioters as their head. The second forged character was a nasty strange baldhead turtle man who did not even look like a Chinese person. In addition, this forged scene was purposefully showed up at the time 7:17 because the criminal Chinese Black rioters meant to perpetrate defamation to the 2 positive/fortunate numbers 7 & 17. This mindset is similar to their knowingly & willfully naming the novel corona virus to be COVID-19 instead of its real name COVID-14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRLhlkGJmuY&t=547s
4) Leaders of China --- The First President of The Republic of China, Mister Chiang Kai-Shek, was a victim of "Affirmative Action" & "Equal Opportunity" participation in his identity by an evil turtle demon head. When I was small, I heard rumors saying there was an evil being wrote a defamatory book named 金陵春梦 (A Spring Dream in the Southern Capital), in which it spewed tons of sexually blasphemous defamation toward President Chiang Kai-Shek. And then nowadays, that evil turtle demon head still attempt to continue usurping power in The Republic of China by attempting to perpetrate a despicable ID-theft crime toward my honored Chinese gentleman actor Blazing Dragon.
The First Chairman of The People's Republic of China, Mister Mao Zedong, was also a victim of "Affirmative Action" & "Equal Opportunity" participation in his identity by an evil turtle demon head through superimposing a semi turtle head toward his image. In the recent 4 decades since China's Reformation and Open Door Policy, I have heard many criminal Chinese Black rioters spewing hateful, malicious and even sexually blasphemous defamation toward Chairman Mao. Also, in some TV dramas about bribery, drug-trafficking and money-laundering, the screens would purposefully show the stacks of Chinese $100 bills that printed the image of Chairman Mao. These phenomenons constitute criminal invasion, replacement, and defamation toward Chairman Mao.
5) U.S. Presidents --- Recently, after I urged that we eliminate 2 categories of people (people of Color and the turtle race) from participating in the Governments of Europe, North America and Australia, I noticed that the images of few historic U.S. Presidents got retroactively invaded, replaced & defamed to turtle men, especially John Quincy Adams and John Adams. https://boredomtherapy.com/s/presidents-popularity-ranked
6) U.S. Senators --- Last year, I spotted an Internet picture showing Senator Rick Scott (a baldhead turtle race gentleman who was also the chairman of NRSC) carrying an extremely noble, dazzling & handsome appearance like the most handsome moment of Prince Philip of the Great Britain and was looking at me with a "special & friendly" manner.
Recently, after I urged that we eliminate 2 categories of people (people of Color and the turtle race) from participating in the Governments of Europe, North America and Australia, I noticed that the image of Senator Bernie Sanders got criminally invaded, replaced & defamed to a turtle man; and then the image of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand in one of her e-newsletters got criminally invaded, replaced & defamed to a turtle woman; and then the image of Vice President Harris in the State of the Union Address got criminally invaded, replaced & defamed to a turtle woman.
7) Government of New York City --- Last May, I received a political campaign flyer from a big baldhead turtle man with a masculine first name and a feminine last name "Anthony Miranda". And that the letter "o" in "Anthony" was replaced by a globe. This brazen, fraudulent, sexually blasphemous, evil turtle demon meant to challenge me by letting me know that it wanted to be the councilman for my community.
Last December, when Eric Adams (a baldhead Black turtle race gentleman) just became the elected mayor of New York City, he and few other Negro rioters stalked me on the Facebook page of JUST EGG, making me feel harassed.
1) … 更多 Attempted ID-fraud and rape --- In year 2000, I happened to meet a very noble Jeweler named Mike Klein in Coral Gables, Florida. I was very impressed by his noble character. And so when I again met him in 2005, I felt I wanted to make friend with him. The next thing was that his identity got criminally invaded and replaced by a giant turtle demon, who came to my home gate, waved hand at me, and wanted to be my boyfriend. If I was an easy girl, I would be raped by that giant turtle demon. … 更多