台灣跟其他國家一樣,都正面臨全球防疫的風險,台灣有能力、有責任為世界盡一份力量。台灣確實是在防疫的第一線。我們也希望,WHO不應該因為政治因素排除台灣,WHO要有台灣的參與空間,讓台灣發揮我們的功能。 英文版 The crisis of Wuhan Corona Virus, SARI, has made the… 更多 world realize the importance of Taiwan on the work of epidemic control and Taiwanese people’s pursuit of health.
I hereby would like to express my sincere appreciation for the U.S., Japan, Canada, and the rest countries around the world, for their public support to Taiwan to participate in the World Health Organization. In addition, I would like… 更多