國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2020年5月25日上午6:35 · 坤輿全圖動物大觀園—蜘蛛
#歷經萬年演化的蜘蛛跟小強一樣強大(小編語無倫次中 XD)
💥故宮Open Data有坤輿全圖喔 ‼️下載 👉️ https://bit.ly/3dn1636
#坤輿全圖 裡對 #蜘蛛 的描述是這樣的:… 更多
The Great Universal Map (Kunyu Quantu) which Father Ferdinand Verbiest drew for the Kangxi Emperor. What dose the map say about ‘Spider’?
This animal is found in Italy. People that come in contact with its poison will act crazy, running around and laughing loudly. Once it enters the body, the person will suffer attacks every year, and can only be healed by listening to his or her favorite music. (?!)
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