💪11月7日星期四是2019年的全球【課室外學習日】(Outdoor Classroom Day)! 為了鼓勵老師、家長帶著孩子到教室外的真實環境🏞中學習,這個全球性的活動邀請大家在這一天一起來到戶外🌄,學習又玩耍🤸♀。 2018年有來自100個國家350萬名學生加入這個倡議計畫,把他們這一天的戶外學習經驗🏃♂… 更多,跟全球分享,大聲說出戶外學習為孩子帶來健康、創意、生活技能、團隊合作、與自然連結......說不完的好處👍! "Outdoor learning improves children’s health, engages them with learning and leads to a greater connection with nature. Play not only teaches critical life skills such as resilience, teamwork and creativity, but is central to children’s enjoyment of childhood. " ➡如果你在今年的11月7日也有戶外教學活動,不妨上網登錄,響應全球🌏一起推動的戶外學習,也讓世界看看台灣🇹🇼戶外教育的能量吧🙌 #OutdoorClassroomDay
Outdoor Classroom Day
Outdoor Classroom Day is a day to celebrate and inspire learning and play outside the classroom, and we want YOU to get involved!