國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2020年5月13日上午10:00 · 坤輿全圖動物大觀園—河狸
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#坤輿全圖 裡對 #河狸 的描述是這樣的:… 更多
The Great Universal Map (Kunyu Quantu) which Father Ferdinand Verbiest drew for the Kangxi Emperor. What dose the map say about ‘Beaver’?
“This animal is found in Italy. You can find it at the mouth of the river. Its shape resembles a dog. During the day it hids in the water, and at night it sleeps on dry land. Its fur is in many colors, and its teeth are sharp enough to gnaw through tree branches.“
河狸,古名「般第狗」(Vanduo (拉丁文)),河狸是一流的水壩建築高手,牠們通常都在夜間開工。
Beavers are experts at building dams, and often work during the night.
※目前已經介紹過坤輿全圖中的動物有:麒麟(長頸鹿)、獨角獸、獅、犀牛、鬣狗、負鼠、鳥類(極樂鳥、駝鳥、火雞)、爬蟲類(變色龍、鱷魚、火蜥蝪),和海中生物「鯨」。全部都在 ➡️ 坤輿全圖相簿 https://bit.ly/3bsxmks